Support for Literacy!

Many businesses support literacy in Marquette County and the surrounding communities
Thanks to Our Supporters

Literacy Volunteers-Marquette County could not exist without its financial backers. Individuals, companies, and organizations who have supported our efforts at promoting literacy in our community during the past year are greatly appreciated. Successful bids at our silent auction are not included in the totals. If anyone is omitted or the category is in error, please accept our apologies and contact Vicki Huffman at 297-8900 or

In-Kind Donations Last 12 Months

LV-MC wishes to acknowledge the support we have received during the year from Wisconsin Literacy, Inc., our state organization for promoting literacy. Thanks also goes to our regional consultant, Beth Gaytan, for her assistance
A huge thanks to Becky Nelson, our original webmaster, who continues to sponsor the website!

Wisconsin Literacy, Inc.
Winnefox Library System
Montello Public Library
Endeavor Public Library
Ethel Everhard Memorial Library
Neshkoro Public Library
Oxford Public Library
Packwaukee Public Library
Nelson and Pade
Faltz Impression Printing
Contributors of $300 or more
Napralla Tire & Sales
Vicki Huffman & Al Knight

Contributors of $100-299
Chuck and Mary Bornhoeft
Kathleen McGwin
Christa Winkelman
Linda Bult
Bill and Kathy Franks
Char Gibis
Teale Loring
Kathleen Ludden
Kathy North
Florence Penaflor
Patti and Glenn Troost
Lita and John Waldman
Fortifi Bank

Contributors of $50-99
Bruce Dethlefsen and Sue Allen
Susan and Harry Porfilio
Al and Carolyn Rosenthal
Lois and Peter Kraus
Marj Cox Fabian
Sue Hunter
Jim and Jane Kronschnabel
Jane and Joe Oravetz
Ron and Judi Pugh
Ed and Karen Robotka
Judy and Sam Schelble
Rita and Terry Socha
Jane Terry
Rozie Zodrow

Contributors of $20-49
Lee Ann and David Casper
Betty and Paul Garvey
Dave and Lynda Washkoviak
Donna Klahn
Nikki Russos
Lynn Schwochert
Wayne and Sue Stelter
Amazon Smile
Paula Chambers
Dona Laufer

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all rights reserved
Last Updated: 3-1-2025